Superagent Swift SDK

This is a community-made SwiftSDK for the Superagen LLM Framework. You need to have a superagent API Key in order to use the SDK. To get your API key head over to or fork the main repo and self-host it..

Getting started

To get started, create a new application in your superagent dashboard, then read about how to make requests for the resources you need to access using our the swift client SDKs.



Learn how to use the Superagent Swift SDK by creating your first agent.

Coming Soon


Understand the basics of LLMs, Prompts, Agents, Documents and Tools.

Coming Soon

Chat with Documents Example

Learn how to use the Superagent SDK by building a App that lets users chat with their documents

Coming Soon

Wolfram Search App Example

Learn how to use the Superagent SDK by building a App where users can chat with Wolfram.

Coming Soon



Learn about the prompts and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list them.


Learn about documents and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list them.


Learn about tools and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list messages.


Learn about agents and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list them.